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Archive for the ‘Ramblings’ Category

Like, OMFG… Rudabagas!

Sunday, August 24th, 2008

I need to cut some wood for the PAF… I’m never going to have any paintings done! I’m never going to have any bootlegs (painted records) done! Whatever… I probably won’t be the only person there with a bare looking table. Anyway, the website isn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. Right now we’re in the process of doing a small magazine as an advertisement for the RIC. It may end up being somewhat of a newsletter, depending on how good it does. Anyway, the cover image is Mark’s flyer. I made it look like a stack of them and edited it so you can’t see the sponsers (we’ve been running into some issues with logo usage. Anyway, it looks good. I make no promises about the final product though…

I have faith. Anyone want to share a table at the PAF?

Loving and Leaving in Grosse Pointe…

Monday, July 14th, 2008

So, Pete (my boss) might have to leave Meijer… fuck all! Seriously, I can only imagine, even though I can think of some replacements… they’re going to pick some bullshit asshole or retard. In case anyone ever wondered (or Googled this) Meijer is running itself into the ground, forget about Hank and shit… the fact that they give so much power to people who are fucking idiots. It’s not just them though, you can see it on a daily basis. Wow, that made no sense. Anyway, I’m not changing locations again (not yet at least)… I’ve had way shittier things happen to me, and I’m still young enough.If you ask me they’re trying to make him quit. I’ve seen it before. Ask me later… this blog is fuct.

P.S. – As for the PAF shit… I hate the site, but it’s meeting the approval. So fuck it, I’m going to maybe make an unofficial site on Oh, and I have a good artist everyone needs to check out. Stay tuned for Kizioko…

The People’s Arts Festival 01

Thursday, July 3rd, 2008

Well, I’m sure this is going to be a saga of run on sentences… As of sometime around noonish (sp?) yesterday I inherited the role of administrator for the People’s Arts Festival website. Let me just tell you, it is shit fucked  …and it’s already being advertised in Real Detroit. So, yes it’s live and probably heavily traveled… and no, it doesn’t work in any browsers but IE7. W3 found the site to be invalid (surprise, surprise)… but a surprising 23 errors. Not as bad as I thought it would be. Anyway, I’d like to shut the fuck up right now, and get to work on that shit… late.

P.S. – This is What Happens When You Fuck a Stranger in the Ass!

Melvins Show…

Sunday, June 22nd, 2008

Been working on this flyer lately. Went to the Casket Bastards last night, but I didn’t have my camera so… NO SOUP FOR YOU! Anyway, I think I need a little bit of details in the open spaces, but who knows. Maybe I’m just too critical. Wally says I should just take a bunch down to Smalls… maybe I’ll work it up, and we’ll pick which one’s better. Then we’re off where the millennium takes us…

It’s the end of an era…

Friday, June 13th, 2008

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times… the other day (Saturday) I was driving to work and my car decided to not turn the wheels when I told it to. Somehow, I got it back to the house, where it sat in front about 2 ft from the curb of my neighbors house. I’ve been calling the car donation place and the police station everyday this week trying to help my car make it’s way to where it needs to go. They’re supposed to tow it away on Monday. It’s a sad… that car was a trooper. Happy Friday the 13th…

n ick