medicine supplier from Canadian pharmacy with no script.

Archive for the ‘Advertising’ Category

…before you hear it from the other kids at school.

Monday, July 26th, 2010

People’s Arts Festival

I’ve been taking apart furniture to transform it into artwork. Hopefully people will buy it… hopefully my new process will work, because I’m out of some vital colors to make my more “traditional” paintings. I’ve constructed a few ideas based on: a) things I’ve seen at other art shows b) things I’ve seen on the internet c) things I’ve seen around my living room d) things I’ve seen inside my mind… that’s pretty much it. This is day 3 or 4 of the process… here’s a couple of pictures.

PAF Prep 1 - 1 PAF Prep 1 - 2

Russell Industrial Center

The website is getting a complete makeover. I’ll let you know a few months after I’m finished…


I’ve been making new menu’s and daily specials cards for all of the Boydell restaurants. This is quite a process… the websites have had recent overhauls as well. The Coaches Corner stuff looks a little like this…

CC - Daily Specials Window

CC - POTC A Frame 1 CC - POTC A Frame 2

There’s Magic Inside…

Wednesday, March 24th, 2010

RIC Spring Open House 2010

Well, I was up all night working up this flyer, and it just went to print today. We should get them in by Friday, so expect to see a posting of the printed version sometime next week… then rejoice when I finally post it a month from now. I started up a flickr account to use for my blog (since the upload button no longer works in the ancient version of wordpress) …anyway, you can check that out here: …but enough about me. Here’s the flyer…

RIC Open House Spring 2010 Front

Early Alternate Versions

…it’s not about the process.

…that’s all for now. I’ve been working on… right now it’s just a flickr photostream, but trust me… it’s coming way sooner than the Coats & Corpses website. Just in case you are hungry for something new, check out the Dance N Graff site… that’ll be in progress for a bit, but it’s live.

Yo, Banana Boy!

Thursday, May 7th, 2009

It’s been a bit since of done a whole lot of updating on any of my own websites… but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been up to anything. So are you ready for some eye candy? Answer that and stay fashionable…

Summer in the City

So, this is actually the first thing that I’d gotten accomplished from this small list. Flyer artwork for the Summer in the City show going on at the Russell Gallery, hey… look at that, tomorrow. Then I tried to recreate this artwork for the show using some xylene and some really nice paper. You know, so the flyer would actually be something you could see at the show. Anyway, the original was ripping… and the ink was smeared… and it all came out like a mess. Now it’s sitting in my desk at work.

P.S. – there’s a big ink stain on the left side of the best piece. Moving on…


The dream you always dreamed is soon to become a reality as part of… or maybe even, dare I say That’s right, I got my old website back, but that’s beside the point. It’s really more about free artwork in the form of printable flyers. That’s what everybody really wants… so here’s some sneaky previews…

…oh man, I am really loving that over-worked look. At least 25% of the time. Look for these available for PDF download soon, and smaller versions to be appearing on… I kind of quit posting there for a while, I guess I feel like an ass being like the only person on that site that doesn’t screenprint anything. So, that’s that…

…and Here’s This.

A quickie logoish thingy for a facebook group.

There’s a lot of other news, but for right now the biggest project (ther than Metrotimes Parties, and Kresge Press Previews) is…

The 3rd Annual People’s Arts Festival

It’s 2 days this year, but I don’t know if I’m going to do it because that’s a lot of work to miss. Enough about me, in case you missed the mailing list, here’s the call for entry…


The 2009 People’s Arts Festival Expanded To Two Days

DETROIT – The People’s Arts Festival (PAF)  – the largest assembly of artists, performance artists, musicians and filmmakers in the City of Detroit – is back with a vengeance this year in an expanded, bigger, bolder version.

To celebrate its third anniversary the 2009 PAF will run for two days – from 11:00 a.m. – midnight and from 11 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. August 29 and 30th. Rain dates of September 12 and 13th have also been scheduled.  The PAF, sponsored by The Russell Center for Creative Arts (RCCA), is housed at the Russell Industrial Center at 1600 Clay Avenue off I-75.

There is no entrance fee to participate and no sales commissions will be taken. The only charge to artists is a $40 community participation fee  (covering both days) that will be applied to incidental costs associated with security, general area cleanup, etc.

Participating visual artists will receive an outside 11×11 exhibit space. There are no formal exhibition booth requirements and no sales commission charges apply. No exhibit materials will be provided by PAF. Artists must supply their own tables, tents, extension cords, etc. Outdoor lighting, security and vendor parking will be supplied by PAF. Based on experience, we suggest artists consider supplying their own tent lighting for later hours. All exhibitors must agree to PAF’s set-up/exhibit/and take-down guidelines. Spaces will be available on a first-come/first-serve basis.  To maintain the festival’s artistic integrity we are asking all artists to submit a description and, if possible, visual samples of their work. The PAF remains a non-juried show, but we want to make sure that it also remains a show for artists and not merchants.

Exhibit set-up will begin at 8:00 a.m. on August 29 and must be completed by 10:30 a.m. Early bird set up will be available on Friday August 28 after 6:00 p.m. Any artists interested in early set-up must notify PAF prior to the 28th. Since there will be only minimal security PAF and the Russell Industrial Center will not be responsible for any damage or loss associated with early set up. Participants must maintain their space until 10:00 p.m. on the 29th and 6:00 p.m. on the 30th. All artists are expected to clean up their space before they leave. PAF will not be responsible for any damages or loss associated with unmanned booths. The only other rules are: participate, do your thing and have fun.

Security will be provided overnight on the 29th but exhibitors must still assume full risk for any and all materials left overnight. Neither the PAF nor The Russell Industrial Center is responsible for any loss, damage, theft or other factor associated with materials and/or tents, tables, etc. left overnight.

All interested artists should respond by email to:  Please send us your contact information and we will get back to you with more details as they become available. The deadline for applying for exhibit space is June 30, 2009. The PAF Artists’ Committee will notify you by July 15, 2009 if your application has been accepted. You will then have until July 30, 2009 to send us a check for $40 (made payable to: The Russell Center for Creative Arts) and a signed exhibitor agreement.

The fees are non-refundable and permission to exhibit is non-transferable. Checks should be mailed to The People’s Arts Festival, c/o The Russell Industrial Center, 1600 Clay Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, 48211.

Art galleries are also invited to secure free indoor exhibit space. Galleries must provide their own exhibit materials. Interested galleries should email No participation charge or commission payment is required.

PAF is also recruiting bands for the event. Interested bands should contact the PAF at A sound system and stage will be provided. A merchandise area will available at no charge to allow all bands to sell CDs and other merchandise and to promote upcoming events. Please indicate the size of your group and type of music. All interested bands must submit their applications by June 1, 2009. Selected bands will receive notification of acceptance by June 15, 2009. Signed agreement on rules, stage plot and technical riders are due by June 30, 2009. A final schedule, instructions and other information will be emailed to all participating bands by July 15, 2009.

Independent films will be featured all day. Interested filmmakers should contact for more information.

Volunteers are also needed to make this event a success. Anyone in learning more about how they can participate in this year’s festival is encouraged to email us at

Media requests for coverage and information should be directed to

Restaurants interested in becoming PAF food and beverage vendors should email PAF at

Indemnity Notice
All participants are asked to abide by the following Indemnification Guidelines:

  1. Exhibitor Indemnify. The Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Russell Center for Creative Arts and The People’s Arts Festival from any liability for damages to any person or property in, on or about said Exhibitor premises from any cause whatsoever;
  2. Compliance with Laws. The Exhibitor shall at his or her own expense under penalty of forfeiture and damages promptly comply with all lawful laws, orders, regulations or ordinances of all municipal, county, and state authorities affecting the Exhibitor premises hereby given for The People’s Arts Festival and the cleanliness, safety, occupation and use of the same.

Built in 1915, the Russell Industrial Center mirrors the history of the city itself. Established at the dawn of the Automotive Age, the Russell is now home to a growing number of artists, craftspeople, graphic arts companies, fashion companies, and commercial and industrial companies.

…or is it Tsar?

Tuesday, April 14th, 2009

A few days ago you may have noticed an early week last week’s post I made that looked something like this:

Well, I’d like to say that I am now going to be overusing the shit out of this bird for the current Russell Bazaar Ad Campaign… probably because I’m lazy. I’ve already stated that I had used it for the header on the website. Well don’t look now, because if you are too busy to go to the Art Battle… or somehow find yourself at the State Thea… Fillmore… in downtown Detroit. Chances are, you’ll probably get handed one of these…

Simply, flip this flyer over… and enjoy the Bird Czar in all his glory…

You can take away our billboards, but not our birds…

Are you Fucking Seriousing Me…?!?

Tuesday, April 7th, 2009

My keyboard is fucking broken, it’s awesome… every few minutes it stops working and I have to unplug it and plug it back in. Piss me the fuck off, anyway… what’s a Nick P work on lately, you ask?

Reworking Bar Logos
from piss, to this…

Full Page Color Layouts
Another week, another ad. This ones going in a magazine called Metra, it’s for 3rd Floor Ladies Night at Eros Lounge. The Hottest New Gay Bar in Detroit…?!? Hell if I know, I’m just make words look pretty… either way, are we competing with Metrotimes here or what? Maybe not as sleazy though…

which I will mention, but not show. Since there was some sort of mess up with them, and they aren’t expired yet anyway. Now, since that isn’t really fair of me to talk about these wonderful coupons, and how cool or lame they look. Allow me to hook you up with a bad coupon. I think this one was made for December…

…that’s obvious though. Speaking of things that expired in December, I need to make a new header for the Russell Bazaar website. This winter wonderland might be a little hard to top with spring colors, like, I dunno…pastel?


and Posters…
…and speaking of pastels, again… BTW, this one isn’t finished yet.

…and more recently, I’ve been picking up Blueberries at the store…

…or eat them at least.