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Archive for August, 2010

Making Magic

Thursday, August 26th, 2010

People’s Arts Festival

Wow, so it’s been exactly 1 month since my last post… and my PAF collages (for this weekends art fair) have come a long way. Let’s take a quick walk through the process and how it’s been working out in the last month.

Well, we all know about the first step of making the collage, right? No? …shhhh. Shut the fuck up then, no one asked you. Here’s where we start with the stickers. It all begins with an index card containing a sketch of a schoolgirl holding a pair of sais.


Noted. The following process (partially documented here) involves converting the index card into a 1:1 copy for a better resolution on the sticker. In this case, the size was about 15×26 give or take. Once it’s been scaled to size, and drawn out better it is then transferred to the sticker material. In this case we’re using a simple method of a scanner and printer. The separate sheets from the printer then have to be trimmed down so to fit together as one.

Once this process is completed, the sticker is then trimmed down in order to maximize the amount of visible background. After all, the process of making the background collage is just as interesting, and we don’t want it to be lost.  The sticker is then applied. Easier said than done with a sticker of this size. It will sometimes still have imperfections as problems arise during this step. However, these small issues will ultimately give the piece it’s individuality.

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Stay tuned to learn more…