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Archive for February, 2009

The Trial and Error of Stickers…

Tuesday, February 24th, 2009

…in the world of Self Promotion.

So, for the sticker show I went through a shit load of trial and error. Eventually I settled on the owl, that Nicci had me put together for Kim’s handbag. I thought the generic photoshop clipart heart really worked perfectly with the design too. Might I say, delicious? So delicious in fact that my second sticker makes reference to the famous Andy Warhol banana…

and as an added bonus, maybe I’ll send them the everything sticker…

New Click’N’Prints…?

Sunday, February 22nd, 2009

So, I was bored for a bit with the posters (without any further information to create anything useful) …I got some info off Jambase, and put together a quick Rancid poster from another old index card sketch…

However, after I did a little further investigation… I couldn’t find any other information on other sites confirming the date & venue. Though it is an open date directly following the Ohio date, it still couldn’t be proven on 2 websites, yet. Now, to make sureI’m not a total dick, here’s a preview of the Click’N’Print…

Get Ready to March!

Sunday, February 22nd, 2009

March (being the busy month to do just that) is promising to be quite the month for gallery shows… for people living in Arizona. First off, there’s a mini show (always fun)… a sticker show (always, …sticky?), and finally a poster show rounding out the end of the month. Now, me, being an illustrator claiming to be an artist (or is it the other way around) have decided to act in the supporting cast of all 3. I’ve been at it for a few weeks now, but haven’t divulged too much information into the blog…

I’m devoting this first post to the poster show, since that’s what I’m working on right this minute. I’ll talk about the other shows in retrospect, later… The rules are simple, 2 posters… 11X17 or larger… from 2 different local bands…


I did some drawing the other day, for the poster show…

I really want to use that nurse on the left, but it may prove to be impossible because I can’t think of any local bands that I would like to use it with right now. Lucky for you, it may become a Click’N’Print… I did, however, have a preconcieved idea for the Hadituptohere’s poster. It’s based on some illustrator art I had seen the other day that made drastic overuse of the Halftone, and this tutorial I stumbled upon a few months ago…

Then, I figured “Hey, Nick had asked me to do a DROP flyer for him a couple years ago, why not make a poster from that unfinished sketch?” Remember me…

Which brings us to where we are now… It’s cool though, even though these are looking incomplete as hell (In ore ways than one) I still have until the end of the month.

Shake the World

Monday, February 16th, 2009

Ransom Notes have Less Fonts…

Thursday, February 12th, 2009

Bill came up with that title at work. “Ransom Notes have Less Fonts” in case you missed it we counted 9 fonts. Terrible… His other rule about bad design is that you will always find the designer’s name (and in this case contact information) printed on the flyer, however, I’ve withheld that information…