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Archive for March, 2007

V/A – Co-Ed Rock N Roll Rumble

Friday, March 30th, 2007

Co-Ed Rock N Roll Rumble FrontCo-Ed Rock N Roll Rumble Back

I used to read this sweet-ass little magazine called Carbon 14. They have a website. Now, it’s no secret that I’m not really that big into reading….but this magazine was just packed full of great artwork and illustrations, and quick little articles even a short attention span like myself can get into…not to mention every issue comes with a free 7inch. Anyway, I had all but forgotten about it (because I hadn’t seen it in years,) until one day I was at Borders doing some research for school (when low and behold…)

Carbon 14, Issue #24

The theme for the record with this issue was all girl-fronted bands. Let me tell you, this is all great stuff…..side A is probably my favorite, but there really isn’t a bad track on here. In fact, the only bad thing about this is… …that I haven’t seen Carbon 14 since I bought this issue. Maybe I should hang out at the bookstore more..?!? Anyway….check this out, it’s sweet ass Rock N Roll.

V/A – Co-Ed Rock N Roll Rumble (Carbon 14, 2004)

01. High School Sweethearts – Chicks Dig (High Powered Car Stereos)
02. Blare Bitch Project – Shut the Fuck Up
03. The Downbeat 5 – Dum Dum Ditty
04. The DT’s – Heartbreaker