Sweet, Sweet, Sweetness…
o, I was about to go to bed… then I decided to check my e-mail… nothing… no love from the bill collectors… then I decided to check the junk folder (because hotmail sucks like that,) and I got an e-mail from Matt Flood @ Asbestos Records saying that I just might be the winner of the “Design a Cover Contest” for Bomb the Music Industry! – Goodbye Cool World limited edition vinyl release… then I was so excited, my only regret was being out of beer. He said they’ll know for sure tomorrow or so… work is about to go soooooo slooooow tomorrow. Anyway, if I did win, you should all buy a copy because they’re a great band, and hey… it’s all about a good 12″ record for your turntable. Not to mention you’d get to own a nice finished, printed piece of nick p art. I know I want one… but I think I get one anyway. Anyway, that’s enough rambling… I gotsta work early tomorrow. g’night all.
n ick