Sweet sweet honey mustard…..
Saturday, December 11th, 2004Dear Comanches,
Well, our hero has finally gotten all of his files straightened out for publication design. There was an email about cutting the final down a few legs and that was just the breathe of life I needed. I went to the lab today after work and needless to say, that brochure got knocked the fuck out. As for Dinsers class, I’m still not happy with any of my sketches…..I’m sure I’ll have it by wednesday. I’m calling web design done in my head……oh, and I’ve got a crit until 9 on bar day……so I’ll miss al the dinner and sober activities. Hmmmm…….I don’t know if I’d say miss.
Anyways, it’s 6 or so and I told Nicci I’d be here ’til 7 or 8…….so I guess I’ll run around and grab up a few things after I burn this CD. The room is really emptied out, I should hurry up….
With great passion,
n i ck
P.S. – Call me crazy because…….nevermind, just call me crazy.
P.S.S. – We’re going to continue the story of the push ups later tonight.