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Archive for December, 2004

Sweet sweet honey mustard…..

Saturday, December 11th, 2004

Dear Comanches,

Well, our hero has finally gotten all of his files straightened out for publication design. There was an email about cutting the final down a few legs and that was just the breathe of life I needed. I went to the lab today after work and needless to say, that brochure got knocked the fuck out. As for Dinsers class, I’m still not happy with any of my sketches…..I’m sure I’ll have it by wednesday. I’m calling web design done in my head……oh, and I’ve got a crit until 9 on bar day……so I’ll miss al the dinner and sober activities. Hmmmm…….I don’t know if I’d say miss.

Anyways, it’s 6 or so and I told Nicci I’d be here ’til 7 or 8…….so I guess I’ll run around and grab up a few things after I burn this CD. The room is really emptied out, I should hurry up….

With great passion,
n i ck

P.S. – Call me crazy because…….nevermind, just call me crazy.

P.S.S. – We’re going to continue the story of the push ups later tonight.

You should have built the fucking piniata

Thursday, December 9th, 2004

My finals are going to kill me…..grrrr….

Times up for Madeline…

Wednesday, December 8th, 2004

To Whom it May Concern,

I’ll be right back, I’m gonna smoke a cigarette……….mmmm, anyway. So today has been super productive so far, and we are in great hopes that this will continue through the day. For starters, I made it to Illustrator class twice in row (a personal record.) Christine seemed to really like the project I was working on and had me put it on the network transport so she could show it to the class. I bought shaving cream and mouthwash from the dollar store. When I got home, both the washer and dryer were empty of clothes. So I’m in the middle of my first load of laundry now. I read a few more pages of Nine Stories (which is a great book.) As soon as I finish typing here I’m going to work on my website, and I may go to the library later to do some work on my Graphic Communications project.

Now to cancel out the big head, we’ll discuss how pathetic I am. I’ve been trying to work out lately, because I am a scrawny fragile wuss. So the other day (yesterday probably) I tried to start by doing 15 push ups. Yeah. So I think I made it to 8 before I thought I was going to die, and didn’t even get to doing sit ups. I think I used to be in shape before I had a car, I swear I did. Anyway, today I actually made it to 10 push ups before dying, and I was even able to do 20 sit ups after that. Now my arms are jelly…..and I am still severely out of shape. Oh well, South Bronx Pardise Diet…!!

Trouble Breathing,
n i ck

P.S. – I started listening to CD’s again……..and I’m not as obsessed with my records as I once was. So I think I might listen to some of those later on. Plus I gotta burn Borguno a BC Ragtime CD today.


Tuesday, December 7th, 2004

Well……it’s finally up.

Portfolio Website

I make no guarantees with how good or bad it will work, it works on the mac here….but the artwork page didn’t work at my house.

What was the funny word we discussed yesterday…

Tuesday, December 7th, 2004


These computers blow nuts… I can’t find a damn thing I’m looking for. Mmmm….I had some of the crazy broodwich yesterday. Tonight I’m having an Ethiopian adventure…..because I’ve never had one before. I told Kim it was like “learning how to ride a bike for the first time……..all over again since the first time.” ….and there are beers to be drinkt (that’s a funny word too…..if it’s a word, what say you single female lawyer) I think I’ll put a little bit of my website up…..woo hoo, but right now the back row of class is having a little G N’ R Party……it’s brilliant. I think I made everyone’s day.

Ok…….gotta go.

P.S. – does anyone know what those novelty ads they have in comic books and kids magazines are called. Ya know, the places that sell snap gum, x-ray specs, fart machines and shit like that. Less Than Jake had one in Hello Rockview.